Yellowstone Vom Mittelwest

M’Pella VonDax


Int. CH. Yellowstone vom Mittelwest, TC, CGC, 
OFA hips-good, elbows-normal, DM clear.
DOB: 6-16-15

Click here for pedigree chart.

V1 UCI Intl./Natl. CH. Seven of Nine Von Dax, CGC, CGCA, RN

Sire: V1 UCI Intl. CH. Nitro Vom Walters             Dam: V1 UCI Intl. CH. Ezri Von Dax

D.O.B. 6/1/13

OFA  Hips: Good   Elbows: Normal  DM: Clear

Pedigree: Pedigree Database

 Intl./Natl. CH. Marla Von Dax ,TT
 OFA Hips: Good, Elbows : normal, DM : clear
 Pedigree: Pedigree Database


Marla Von Dax


Seven of Nine Von Dax

Intl. CH. Dabo Von Dax v Rief, HT, PT

DOB 6-7-17

OFA Hips: Good 

Elbows: Normal

DM: Clear 

Click here for pedigree chart.


 Intl. CH M’Pella VonDax, HT,PT, TC ,CGC 
CHIC #- CHIC170220
OFA Hips/Elbows, Cardiac ( advanced) - Normal, DM - clear

​Moogie Von Dax

Intl.CH Moogie VonDax, TC
BD 3/28/18
Dam: Yellowstone vom Mittelwest
Sire: Fix vonder Bande
OFA -hips- excellent, elbows- normal, DM clear, CHIC # 151238

Dabo Von Dax v Rief